Monday, January 28, 2008

A Tribute to a Prophet

My heart is sad and happy for the passing of our dear President Hinkley. I have to think of how wonderful the reunion must be for him. He loves his dear wife so much and they are together. It is hard to be sad when you look at the life that he has had and the hard work that he accomplished. I was thinking of his great plan to build small temples and that when we went to pick up Jesse from his mission in Nashville we got to go to one of them. It was so sweet and intimate. I remember thinking that I wish all the temples were like it. What a great blessing they are to so many people. Also I thought about how long President Hinkley has been the prophet. Our youngest, Marissa, has really only known him. She is 17. Late last night Bob and I watched a special about his life and it was so worth staying up for. It wore me out because I was so touched by it but it was so wonderful to hear about his course and the choices he made. He was clearly in training for this calling. I love how it showed his love for all people, his humor, his passion for the work, and his love for other faiths. What a wonderful man that we have been blessed by. WE THANK THEE OF GOD FOR OUR PROPHET!!! We love you President Hinkley.